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Fluid Physiology and Pathology in Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2e, by Steven Clavey BA DipAdv Acupuncture
Fee Download Fluid Physiology and Pathology in Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2e, by Steven Clavey BA DipAdv Acupuncture
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Fluid disorders play a role in nearly every patient's presentation and can sometimes be the key to understanding an uncertain or difficult case. This unique resource clearly and comprehensively describes the Traditional Chinese Medicine view of the physiology and pathology of fluids within the body. Covers disorders of sweating and urination, edema, abnormal lacrimation, thin mucus syndrome, and conditions of excessive phlegm and dampness in the body, such as asthma, digestive problems, arthritis, epilepsy, and convulsions. Features over 20 new case histories and essays that illustrate the Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to the treatment of fluid disorders using Chinese herbs, acupuncture, and more.
- A complete index provides reference to specific disorders, concepts, formulas, and points.
- A new chapter on Acupuncture Methods in Fluid Pathology details acupuncture treatments for specific disorders of fluid metabolism.
- New case histories illustrate theoretical concepts and demonstrate their use in the clinic, as well as assist in developing a sense of prognosis and occasionally an alternative approach to a difficult case.
- An in-depth description of the Traditional Chinese Medicine concept of body fluid physiology and pathology conveys an essential understanding of fluid disorders and their role in every patient's clinical presentation, which may be the key to an otherwise uncertain or difficult case.
- Both Chinese herbal treatments and acupuncture methodologies are described for each fluid disorder, bringing theory into practical use.
- Presents a detailed examination of the concepts and processes of fluid metabolism and pathology in TCM.
- Draws on original translations from Chinese sources, ranging from the classical era through to modern times, to ensure authenticity and accuracy in practice.
- Includes a uniquely comprehensive analysis of phlegm and its associated problems and treatment.
- Designed to be a clear and practical clinical reference.
- Written by a highly qualified practitioner and teacher.
- Sales Rank: #1745210 in Books
- Published on: 2002-12-30
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.00" h x 1.38" w x 7.01" l, 3.15 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 614 pages
About the Author
Steven Clavey studied Traditional Chinese Medicine in both Taiwan and China,testing in the top 30 out of 1800 students on the Chinese written examinations when studying for certification in TCM gynecology. He has been a consultant to the Australian government on matters relating to Chinese medicine, and was appointed by the federal Minister of Health to the Traditional Medicines Evaluation Committee, a committee which reviews the licensing of herbal products. He continues to be actively involved in teaching, the translation of Chinese medical texts and clinical practice, and he has published articles about Chinese medicine in both English and Chinese.
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Very Factual Book
By W. K. Mclaughlin
This Is a great book to have as part of your TCM library. It gives an in depth discussion of its topic and is one of the few books in TCM specialising in Phlegm, Damp and the movement of Fluids, so it is a must to have as part of one's on-going TCM knowledge.
6 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Fluid physilogy and pathology in Traditional Medicine
By New York32
This book gives you a lot idea of understanding in oriental medicine. It bring to you real taste of classics especially huang di nei jing and nan jing.The majority books of oriental medicine in English don't give us real picture of oriental medicine, but the book does!! One thing I want to wish is when they using pin yin, should be accompained chinese character. Great book!!!!
15 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
One of the best books available on TCM
By A Customer
This book is excellent. For the advanced student or practitioner, this book enlightens the reader on all aspects of Fluid, Jin-ye, Phlegm, Dampness, and their origins. It also discusses herbs in a very interesting and useful way, comparing and contrasting phlegm and damp herbs and their specifics. This is my favorite theory book on my shelf.
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