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A Prayer for Owen Meany: A Novel, by John Irving
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I am doomed to remember a boy with a wrecked voice—not because of his voice, or because he was the smallest person I ever knew, or even because he was the instrument of my mother's death, but because he is the reason I believe in God; I am a Christian because of Owen Meany.
In the summer of 1953, two eleven-year-old boys—best friends—are playing in a Little League baseball game in Gravesend, New Hampshire. One of the boys hits a foul ball that kills the other boy's mother. The boy who hits the ball doesn't believe in accidents; Owen Meany believes he is God's instrument. What happens to Owen after that 1953 foul ball is extraordinary.
- Sales Rank: #2248 in Books
- Brand: William Morrow Paperbacks
- Published on: 2012-04-03
- Released on: 2012-04-03
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.00" h x 1.05" w x 5.31" l, 1.15 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 627 pages
- Viet Nam
- Simon Birch
- Heroism
- Small Town America
- Friendship Review
Owen Meany is a dwarfish boy with a strange voice who accidentally kills his best friend's mom with a baseball and believes--accurately--that he is an instrument of God, to be redeemed by martyrdom. John Irving's novel, which inspired the 1998 Jim Carrey movie Simon Birch, is his most popular book in Britain, and perhaps the oddest Christian mystic novel since Flannery O'Connor's work. Irving fans will find much that is familiar: the New England prep-school-town setting, symbolic amputations of man and beast, the Garp-like unknown father of the narrator (Owen's orphaned best friend), the rough comedy. The scene of doltish the doltish headmaster driving a trashed VW down the school's marble staircase is a marvelous set piece. So are the Christmas pageants Owen stars in. But it's all, as Highlights magazine used to put it, "fun with a purpose." When Owen plays baby Jesus in the pageants, and glimpses a tombstone with his death date while enacting A Christmas Carol, the slapstick doesn't cancel the fact that he was born to be martyred. The book's countless subplots add up to a moral argument, specifically an indictment of American foreign policy--from Vietnam to the Contras.
The book's mystic religiosity is steeped in Robertson Davies's Deptford trilogy, and the fatal baseball relates to the fatefully misdirected snowball in the first Deptford novel, Fifth Business. Tiny, symbolic Owen echoes the hero of Irving's teacher Günter Grass's The Tin Drum--the two characters share the same initials. A rollicking entertainment, Owen Meany is also a meditation on literature, history, and God. --Tim Appelo
From Publishers Weekly
Joe Barrett captures the humor and sorrow of Irving's classic novel about faith, friendship and fate. We follow the adventures of diminutive Owen Meany and his best friend Johnny Wheelwright as they grapple with life, death and devotion and come of age in the small town of Gravesend, N.H. Barrett deftly portrays a host of strange and wonderful characters as Owen commandeers the local Christmas pageant, battles with an autocratic headmaster and fulfills what he believes to be his destiny. Faced with the unenviable task of capturing the singular voice of the titular character (in the novel, Owen's dialogue is capitalized to represent his strident, squeaking speech), Barrett produces a workmanlike rendition of Owen that, while not perfect, grows on listeners as the story unfolds. True to the spirit of the text, Barrett's masterful rendition is a delight. A Morrow hardcover. (Aug.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
From Library Journal
Diminutive Owen Meaney, the social outcast with the high, pinched voice, has an enormous influence on his friend Johnny Wheelwright--not least because the only baseball Owen ever hits causes the death of Johnny's mother. But as Johnny claims, "Owen gave me more than he ever took from me. . . . What did he ever say that wasn't right?" Spookily prescient, convinced that he is an instrument of God, Owen intimidates child and adult alike. Why Johnny "is a Christian because of Owen Meaney" is the novel's central mystery but not its only one: Who, for instance, was Johnny's father? Untangling these knots, the adult Johnny pauses to consider his religious convictions and distaste of American politics in passages that are neither especially persuasive nor effectively integrated into the book. And though Owen is a compelling presence, his power over others is not entirely convincing. Still, readers will be drawn in by the story of the boys' friendship and by the desire to see some resolution to Johnny's mysteries.
- Barbara Hoffert, "Library Journal"
Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Most helpful customer reviews
11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
This book rates up there with one of the best I've ever read
By C. Rogevich
This book rates up there with one of the best I've ever read. At times it was so funny I found myself laughing hysterically out loud. At other times I had to grab a tissue. Owen Meany was such a dear sole, with some physical problems. I just wanted to pick him up and hug him. His best friend John was so completely different and tolerent of Owen, in every way. The ending was terrific. Finally all the puzzle pieces fit together. Upon completion, I sat there feeling, very overwhelmed. "Wow" was all I could manage to utter.
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
It's worth it
By SheVandal
Do you believe in divine purpose, in fate, in destiny? Owen Meany was too good for this world. He was an instrument in the world, in his community, in the lives of his loved ones. And now he is a part of mine, too.
John Irving is one of my all-time favorite authors. I love his descriptions and his in-depth involvement in his characters. The time he invests in his stories, not just a period but a life, carries his readers along an entirety of experiences. Yet this story was difficult to get into. It took a long time to see the thread that brought it all together. After a while, I was involved enough to feel a commitment, to be curious. Then it all came together. Like John Wheelwright, I needed time to see the big picture, to become a believer.
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
An Unforgettable Friendship
By Mary E. Krauski
I think this book is unforgettable.
It's long and requires some patience.
There is quite a bit of political meandering, but I lived through the Viet Nam thing with my friends (and my husband) deciding to go or trying to get a deferment..
The character of Owen Meany was unlike any character I've ever met before. and the relationship between him and the narrator was wonderful.
For me to call a book unforgettable is saying a lot since I read or listen to audio books on a daily basis. A lot of books run through your mind and are gone. This is not one of them... at least not for me.
But then I have always been a fan of John Irving and I think this is one of his best.
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